2.18.0 release

Sun, 02 Feb 2014

Here's 2.18.0, nearly two years after the last release. Well, with MirrorBrain running solidly here and there, what much should there be to do? Yes, one must prevent "bitrotting", make sure that building on today's platforms works, and there were also quite some accumulated bug reports and even a few patches. So here we go! Foremostly, an annoying bug was fixed that hit new installs (error message about a missing database column). Plus numerous other small bug fixes. And most pleasingly, the HTML output of the .mirrorlist pages has been modernized. (You might want adjust your CSS styling, therefore.)

Update: We issued another point release already, 2.18.1, because the geoip-lite-update script had a little bug now.

Many people have contributed these changes; see the detailed list of changes!

Note: a new version of mod_asn was also issued recently.

Packaged binaries are built and ready for upgrading. You will find them on the download page, as usual.

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