[mirrorbrain-commits] [opensuse-svn] r6945 - in trunk/tools/download-redirector-v2: . tools

From: Novell Forge SVN <noreply_at_novell.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 18:09:14 -0600 (MDT)
Author: poeml
Date: 2009-03-29 18:09:11 -0600 (Sun, 29 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 6945

- move the script into the tools directory; it doesn't need its own directory.
  It's a helper tools that's called in the background like the other ones as well.

Copied: trunk/tools/download-redirector-v2/tools/scanner.pl (from rev 6944, trunk/tools/download-redirector-v2/scanner/scanner.pl)
--- trunk/tools/download-redirector-v2/tools/scanner.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/tools/download-redirector-v2/tools/scanner.pl	2009-03-30 00:09:11 UTC (rev 6945)
_at_@ -0,0 +1,1313 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# scanner.pl -- daemon for working through opensuse directories.
+# Copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009 Martin Polster, Juergen Weigert, 
+#                               Peter Poeml, Novell Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; 
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
+# rsync protocol implementation
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Schroeder (mls_at_suse.de)
+# This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD
+# for further information
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use Date::Parse;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
+use Net::FTP;
+use Net::Domain;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Time::HiRes;
+use Socket;
+use bytes;
+use Config::IniFiles;
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
+use Encode;
+my $version = '0.40';
+my $scanner_email = 'poeml_at_suse.de';
+my $verbose = 1;
+my $sqlverbose = 0;
+#$DB::inhibit_exit = 0;
+$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
+  my _at_a = ((caller 3)[1..3], '=>', (caller 2)[1..3], '=>', (caller 1)[1..3]);
+  print "__DIE__: (_at_a)\n";
+  die _at__;
+$SIG{USR1} = sub { $verbose++; warn "sigusr1 seen. ++verbose = $verbose\n"; };
+$SIG{USR2} = sub { $verbose--; warn "sigusr2 seen. --verbose = $verbose\n"; };
+$SIG{ALRM} = sub { $verbose++; $verbose++; die "rsync timeout...\n" };
+$ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1;	# used in LWP only, Net::FTP ignores this.
+# Create a user agent object
+my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+$ua->agent("MirrorBrain Scanner/$version (See http://mirrorbrain.org/scanner_info)");
+my $rsync_muxbuf = '';
+my $all_servers = 0;
+my $start_dir = '/';
+my $parallel = 1;
+my $list_only = 0;
+my $keep_dead_files = 0;
+my $recursion_delay = 0;	# seconds delay per *_readdir recuursion
+my $force_scan = 0;
+my $enable_after_scan = 0;
+my $cfgfile = '/etc/mirrorbrain.conf';
+my $brain_instance = '';
+# FIXME: use DBI functions transaction handling
+my $do_transaction = 1;
+# save prepared statements
+my $sth_update;
+my $sth_insert_rel;
+my $sth_select_file;
+my $sth_insert_file;
+my $sth_mirr_addbypath;
+my $gig2 = 1<<31; # 2*1024*1024*1024 == 2^1 * 2^10 * 2^10 * 2^10 = 2^31
+# these two vars are used in the largefile_check's http request callback to end
+# transmission after a maximum amount of data (specified by $http_slice_counter)
+my $http_size_hint;
+my $http_slice_counter;
+# directories to be included from top-level
+my _at_top_include_list;
+my _at_exclude_list;
+my _at_exclude_list_rsync;
+# default excludes:
+push _at_exclude_list, '/.~tmp~/';
+push _at_exclude_list_rsync, '*/.~tmp~/';
+exit usage() unless _at_ARGV;
+while (defined (my $arg = shift)) {
+	if    ($arg !~ m{^-})                  { unshift _at_ARGV, $arg; last; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^(-h|--help|-\?)})    { exit usage(); }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^(-I|--top-include)}) { push _at_top_include_list, shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^--exclude$})         { push _at_exclude_list, shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^--exclude-rsync$})   { push _at_exclude_list_rsync, shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-q})                 { $verbose = 0; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-v})                 { $verbose++; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-S})                 { $sqlverbose++; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-a})                 { $all_servers++; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-j})                 { $parallel = shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-e})                 { $enable_after_scan++; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-f})                 { $force_scan++; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-d})                 { $start_dir = shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-b})                 { $brain_instance = shift; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-l})                 { $list_only++; 
+						 $list_only++ if $arg =~ m{ll}; 
+						 $list_only++ if $arg =~ m{lll}; }
+	elsif ($arg =~ m{^-})		       { exit usage("unknown option '$arg'"); }
+# read the configuration
+my $cfg = new Config::IniFiles( -file => $cfgfile );
+$cfg->SectionExists('general') or die 'no [general] section in config file';
+# if the instance wasn't specified with -b, we use the first of the defined 
+# instances
+my _at_brain_instances = split(/, /, $cfg->val('general', 'instances'));
+$brain_instance = $brain_instances[0] unless $brain_instance;
+$cfg->SectionExists($brain_instance) or die 'no [' . $brain_instance . '] section in config file';
+my $db_driver = 'mysql'; # backwards compatible default
+$db_driver = $cfg->val($brain_instance, 'dbdriver') 
+		if $cfg->val($brain_instance, 'dbdriver');
+my $db_port = 'not set';
+if($db_driver eq 'Pg' or $db_driver eq 'postgres' or $db_driver eq 'postgresql') {
+  $db_port = '5432';
+  $db_driver = 'Pg';
+elsif($db_driver eq 'mysql') {
+    $db_port = '3306';
+else { die 'unknown dbddriver "' . $db_driver . '" in config file'; }
+$db_port = $cfg->val($brain_instance, 'dbport') 
+		if $cfg->val($brain_instance, 'dbport');
+my $db_cred = { dbi => 'dbi:' .  $db_driver
+                              . ':dbname=' . $cfg->val( $brain_instance, 'dbname') 
+                              . ';host='   . $cfg->val( $brain_instance, 'dbhost')
+                              . ';port='   . $db_port,
+                user => $cfg->val( $brain_instance, 'dbuser'), 
+                pass => $cfg->val( $brain_instance, 'dbpass'), 
+                opt => { PrintError => 0 } };
+my %only_server_ids = map { $_ => 1 } _at_ARGV;
+exit usage("Please specify list of server IDs (or -a for all) to scan\n") 
+  unless $all_servers or %only_server_ids or $list_only;
+exit usage("-a takes no parameters (or try without -a ).\n") if $all_servers and %only_server_ids;
+exit usage("-e is useless without -f\n") if $enable_after_scan and !$force_scan;
+exit usage("-j requires a positive number") unless $parallel =~ m{^\d+$} and $parallel > 0;
+my $dbh = DBI->connect( $db_cred->{dbi}, $db_cred->{user}, $db_cred->{pass}, $db_cred->{opt}) or die $DBI::errstr;
+# we fetch last_scan timestamp as epoch, because below we want to sort by it.
+my $sql = qq{SELECT id, identifier, baseurl, baseurl_ftp, baseurl_rsync, enabled, extract(epoch from last_scan) as last_scan FROM server WHERE country != '**' };
+print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+my $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($sql, 'id')
+		   or die $DBI::errstr;
+my _at_scan_list;
+for my $row(sort { int(\$a->{last_scan}) <=> int(\$b->{last_scan}) } values %$ary_ref) {
+  if(keys %only_server_ids) {
+    next if !defined $only_server_ids{$row->{id}} and !defined $only_server_ids{$row->{identifier}};
+    # keep some keys in %only_server_ids!
+    undef $only_server_ids{$row->{id}};
+    undef $only_server_ids{$row->{identifier}};
+  }
+  if($row->{enabled} == 1 or $force_scan or $list_only > 1) {
+    push _at_scan_list, $row;
+  }
+#print Dumper \%only_server_ids, \_at_scan_list;
+if(scalar(keys %only_server_ids) > 2 * scalar(_at_scan_list)) {
+  # print Dumper \%only_server_ids, \_at_scan_list;
+  warn "You specified some disabled mirror_ids, use -f to scan them all.\n";
+  sleep 2 if scalar _at_scan_list;
+my _at_missing = grep { defined $only_server_ids{$_} } keys %only_server_ids;
+die sprintf "serverid not found: %s\n", _at_missing if @missing;
+exit mirror_list(\_at_scan_list, $list_only-1) if $list_only;
+$start_dir =~ s{^/+}{};	# leading slash is implicit; leads to '' per default.
+$start_dir =~ s{/+$}{};	# trailing slashes likewise. 
+# be sure not to parallelize if there is exactly one server to scan.
+$parallel = 1 if scalar _at_scan_list == 1;
+if ($parallel > 1) {
+  my _at_worker;
+  my _at_cmd = ($0);
+  push _at_cmd, '-b', $brain_instance;
+  push _at_cmd, '-q' unless $verbose;
+  push _at_cmd, ('-v') x ($verbose - 1) if $verbose > 1;
+  foreach my $item(_at_top_include_list) {
+    push _at_cmd, '-I', $item;
+  }
+  foreach my $item(_at_exclude_list) {
+    push _at_cmd, '--exclude', $item;
+  }
+  foreach my $item(_at_exclude_list_rsync) {
+    push _at_cmd, '--exclude-rsync', $item;
+  }
+  push _at_cmd, '-f' if $force_scan;
+  push _at_cmd, '-e' if $enable_after_scan;
+  push _at_cmd, '-d', $start_dir if length $start_dir;
+  # We must not propagate -j here.
+  # All other options we should propagate.
+  for my $row (_at_scan_list) {
+  # check if one of the workers is idle
+    my $worker_id = wait_worker(\_at_worker, $parallel);
+    $worker[$worker_id] = { identifier => $row->{identifier}, serverid => $row->{id}, pid => fork_child($worker_id, _at_cmd, $row->{identifier}) };
+  }
+  while (wait > -1) {
+    print "reap\n" if $verbose > 1;
+    ;	# reap all children
+  }
+  exit 0;
+if($do_transaction) {
+  $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
+  #$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+for my $row (_at_scan_list) {
+  print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: starting\n" if $verbose;
+  # already in a transaction? why??
+  #if($do_transaction) {
+  #  $dbh->begin_work or die "$DBI::errstr";
+  #}
+  if(length $start_dir) {
+    $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp1 AS 
+            SELECT id FROM filearr 
+            WHERE path LIKE '$start_dir%' 
+                  AND $row->{id} = ANY(mirrors)";
+  } else {
+    $sql = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp1 AS 
+            SELECT id FROM filearr 
+            WHERE $row->{id} = ANY(mirrors)";
+  }
+  print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+  $dbh->do($sql) or die "$sql: ".$DBI::errstr;
+  $sql = "CREATE INDEX temp1_key ON temp1 (id);
+          ANALYZE temp1;
+          SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp1";
+  print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+  my $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) or die $dbh->errstr();
+  my $initial_file_count = defined($ary_ref->[0]) ? $ary_ref->[0][0] : 0;
+  if(length $start_dir) {
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: files in '$start_dir' before scan: $initial_file_count\n";
+  } else {
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: total files before scan: $initial_file_count\n";
+  }
+  if($do_transaction) {
+    $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  #$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM filearr WHERE $row->{id} = ANY(mirrors)";
+  #print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+  my $start = int(gettimeofday * 1000);
+  my $file_count = rsync_readdir($row->{identifier}, $row->{id}, $row->{baseurl_rsync}, $start_dir);
+  if(!$file_count and $row->{baseurl_ftp}) {
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: no rsync, trying ftp\n" if $verbose;
+    $file_count = scalar ftp_readdir($row->{identifier}, $row->{id}, $row->{baseurl_ftp}, time, $start_dir);
+  }
+  if(!$file_count and $row->{baseurl}) {
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: no rsync, no ftp, trying http\n" if $verbose;
+    $file_count = scalar http_readdir($row->{identifier}, $row->{id}, $row->{baseurl}, $start_dir);
+  }
+  if($do_transaction) {
+    $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  my $duration = (int(gettimeofday * 1000) - $start) / 1000;
+  if (!$duration) { $duration = 1; }
+  if (!$file_count) { $file_count = 0; }
+  my $fpm = int(60*$file_count/$duration);
+  print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: scanned $file_count files (" 
+         . int($fpm/60) . "/s) in " 
+         . int($duration) . "s\n" if $verbose;
+  unless ($keep_dead_files) {
+    $start = time();
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: purging old files\n" if $verbose > 1;
+    #$sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp1";
+    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(mirr_del_byid($row->{id}, id)) FROM temp1";
+    print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) or die $dbh->errstr();
+    my $purge_file_count = defined($ary_ref->[0]) ? $ary_ref->[0][0] : 0;
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: files to be purged: $purge_file_count\n";
+    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM filearr WHERE $row->{id} = ANY(mirrors);";
+    print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    my $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql) or die $dbh->errstr();
+    $file_count = defined($ary_ref->[0]) ? $ary_ref->[0][0] : 0;
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: total files after scan: $file_count\n";
+    $duration = time() - $start;
+    print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: purged old files in " . $duration . "s.\n" if $verbose > 0;
+  }
+  # update the last_scan timestamp; but only if we did a complete scan.
+  unless ($start_dir) {
+    $sql = "UPDATE server SET last_scan = NOW(), scan_fpm = $fpm WHERE id = $row->{id};";
+    print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
+    $sth->execute() or die "$row->{identifier}: $DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  if($enable_after_scan && $file_count > 1 && !$row->{enabled}) {
+    $sql = "UPDATE server SET enabled = '1' WHERE id = $row->{id};";
+    print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
+    $sth->execute() or die "$row->{identifier}: $DBI::errstr";
+    print "$row->{identifier}: now enabled.\n" if $verbose > 0;
+  }
+  $sql = "DROP TABLE temp1";
+  print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+  $dbh->do($sql) or die "$sql: ".$DBI::errstr;
+  if($do_transaction) {
+    $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  print localtime(time) . " $row->{identifier}: done.\n" if $verbose > 0;
+exit 0;
+sub usage
+  my ($msg) = _at__;
+  print STDERR qq{$0 V$version usage:
+scanner [options] [mirror_ids ...]
+  -b        MirrorBrain instance to use 
+            Default: the first which is defined in the config.
+  -v        Be more verbose (Default: $verbose).
+  -S        Show SQL statements.
+  -q        Be quiet.
+  -l        Do not scan. List enabled mirrors only.
+  -ll       As -l, but include disabled mirrors and print urls.
+  -lll      As -ll, but all in one grep-friendly line.
+  -a        Scan all enabled mirrors. Alternative to providing a list of mirror_ids.
+  -e        Enable mirror, after it was scanned. Useful with -f.
+  -f        Force. Scan listed mirror_ids even if they are not enabled.
+  -d dir    Scan only in dir under mirror's baseurl. 
+            Default: start at baseurl. Consider using -x and or -k with -d .
+  -x        Extra-Schedule run. Do not update 'server.last_scan' tstamp.
+            Default: 'server.last_scan' is updated after each run.
+  -k        Keep dead files. Default: Entries not found again are removed.
+  -j N      Run up to N scanner queries in parallel.
+  --exclude regexp 
+            Define pattern(s) for path names to ignore. Paths matching this pattern
+            will not be recursed into (thus saving resources) and also, when
+            matching a file, not added into the database.
+            This option is effective only for scans via HTTP/FTP. For rsync,
+            use the --exclude-rsync option (due to different patterns used there).
+            Here, regular expressions are used. 
+            Path names don't start with a slash; thus, if the regexp starts with a slash
+            it will not match at the top-level directory.
+            Option can be repeated.
+            Default: _at_exclude_list
+  --exclude-rsync pattern 
+            Similar like --exclude, but used (only) for rsync scans.
+            For HTTP/FTP, use the --exclude option (due to different patterns
+            used there).
+            The patterns are rsync(1) patterns. Option can be repeated.
+            Default: _at_exclude_list_rsync
+  -T dir    Directory to be scanned at the top level; option can be repeated.
+Both, names(identifier) and numbers(id) are accepted as mirror_ids.
+  print STDERR "\nERROR: $msg\n" if $msg;
+  return 0;
+sub mirror_list
+  my ($list, $longflag) = _at__;
+  print " id name                      scan_speed   last_scan\n";
+  print "---+-------------------------+-----------+-------------\n";
+  my $nl = ($longflag > 1) ? "\t" : "\n";
+  for my $row(_at_$list) {
+    printf "%3d %-30s %5d   %s$nl", $row->{id}, $row->{identifier}||'--', $row->{scan_fpm}||0, $row->{last_scan}||'';
+    if($longflag) {
+      print "\t$row->{baseurl_rsync}$nl" if length($row->{baseurl_rsync}||'') > 0;
+      print "\t$row->{baseurl_ftp}$nl"   if length($row->{baseurl_ftp}||'') > 0;
+      print "\t$row->{baseurl}$nl"       if length($row->{baseurl}||'') > 0;
+      printf "\tscore=%d country=%s region=%s enabled=%d$nl", 
+           $row->{score}||0, $row->{country}||'', $row->{region}||'', $row->{enabled}||0;
+      print "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub wait_worker
+  my ($a, $n) = _at__;
+  die if $n < 1;
+  my %pids;
+  for(;;) {
+    for(my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
+      return $i unless $a->[$i];
+      my $p = $a->[$i]{pid};
+      unless (kill(0, $p)) {  # already dead? okay take him home.
+        print "kill(0, $p) returned 0. reusing $i!\n" if $verbose;
+        undef $a->[$i];
+        return $i;
+      }
+      $pids{$p} = $i; # not? okay wait.
+    }
+    my $p = wait;
+    my $rc = $?;
+    if(defined(my $i = $pids{$p})) {
+      if (($verbose > 1) || ($rc != 0)) {
+        print "$a->[$i]{identifier}: [#$i, id=$a->[$i]{serverid} pid=$p exit: $?]\n";
+      }
+      undef $a->[$i];
+      return $i;  # now, been there, done that.
+    }
+    # $p = -1 or other silly things...
+    warn "wait failed: $!, $?\n";
+    die "wait failed" if $p < 0;
+  }
+sub fork_child
+  my ($idx, _at_args) = @_;
+  if (my $p = fork()) {
+  # parent 
+    print "worker $idx, pid=$p start.\n" if $verbose > 1;
+    return $p;
+  }
+  my $cmd = shift _at_args;
+  exec { $cmd } "scanner [#$idx]", _at_args; # ourselves with a false name and some data.
+# http://ftp1.opensuse.org/repositories/#_at_^@repositories/@@
+sub http_readdir
+  my ($identifier, $id, $url, $name) = _at__;
+  my $item;
+  my $urlraw = $url;
+  my $re = ''; $re = $1 if $url =~ s{#(.*?)$}{};
+  print "$identifier: http_readdir: url=$url re=$re\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  $url =~ s{/+$}{};	# we add our own trailing slashes...
+  $name =~ s{/+$}{};
+  # are we looking at a top-level directory name?
+  # (we recognize it by not containing slashes)
+  my $attop = 0;
+  $attop = 1 if (length $name) && !($name =~ "/");
+  if ($attop && scalar(_at_top_include_list)) {
+    my $included = 0;
+    foreach my $item(_at_top_include_list) {
+      if ($name =~ $item) {
+        $included = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!$included) {
+      print "$identifier: not in top_include_list: $name\n";# if $verbose > 1;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  foreach $item(_at_exclude_list) {
+    if("$name/" =~ $item) {
+      print "$identifier: ignore match: $name matches ignored item $item, skipped.\n" if $verbose > 1;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  my _at_r;
+  print "$identifier: http dir: $url/$name\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  print "$identifier: http dir: $name\n" if $verbose == 2;
+  my $contents = cont("$url/$name/?F=1");
+  if($contents =~ s{^.*<(PRE|pre|table)>.*<(a href|A HREF)="\?(N=A|C=.*;O=)[^"]*">}{}s) {
+    ## good, we know that one. It is a standard apache dir-listing.
+    ## 
+    ## bad, apache shows symlinks as a copy of the file or dir they point to.
+    ## no way to avoid duplicate crawls.
+    ##
+    $contents =~ s{</(PRE|pre|table)>.*$}{}s;
+    for my $line (split "\n", $contents) {
+      $line =~ s/<\/*t[rd].*?>/ /g;
+      print "$identifier: line: $line\n" if $verbose > 2;
+      if($line =~ m{^(.*)[Hh][Rr][Ee][Ff]="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</[Aa]>\s+([\w\s:-]+)\s+(-|[\d\.]+[KMG]?)}) {
+        my ($pre, $name1, $name2, $date, $size) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+        next if $name1 =~ m{^/} or $name1 =~ m{^\.\.};
+        if($verbose > 2) {
+          print "$identifier: pre $pre\n";
+          print "$identifier: name1 $name1\n";
+          print "$identifier: name2 $name2\n";
+          print "$identifier: date $date\n";
+          print "$identifier: size $size\n";
+        }
+        $name1 =~ s{%([\da-fA-F]{2})}{pack 'c', hex $1}ge;
+        $name1 =~ s{^\./}{};
+        my $dir = 1 if $pre =~ m{"\[DIR\]"};
+        #print "$identifier: $pre^$name1^$date^$size\n" if $verbose > 1;
+        my $t = length($name) ? "$name/$name1" : $name1;
+        if($size eq '-' and ($dir or $name1 =~ m{/$})) {
+          ## we must be really sure it is a directory, when we come here.
+          ## otherwise, we'll retrieve the contents of a file!
+          sleep($recursion_delay) if $recursion_delay;
+          push _at_r, http_readdir($identifier, $id, $urlraw, $t, 0);
+        }
+        else {
+          ## it is a file.
+          my $time = str2time($date);
+          my $len = byte_size($size);
+          # str2time returns undef in some rare cases causing KILL! FIXME
+          # workaround: don't store files with broken times
+          if(not defined($time)) {
+            print "$identifier: Error: str2time returns undef on parsing \"$date\". Skipping file $name1\n";
+            print "$identifier: current line was:\n$line\nat url $url/$name\nname= $name1\n" if $verbose > 1;
+          }
+          elsif(largefile_check($identifier, $id, $t, $len)) {
+            #save timestamp and file in database
+            if(save_file($t, $identifier, $id, $time, $re)) {
+              push _at_r, [ $t , $time ];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    print "$identifier: committing http dir $name\n" if $verbose > 2;
+    if($do_transaction) {
+      $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    ## we come here, whenever we stumble into an automatic index.html 
+    $contents = substr($contents, 0, 500);
+    warn Dumper $contents, "$identifier: http_readdir: unknown HTML format";
+  }
+  return _at_r;
+sub byte_size
+  my ($len) = _at__;
+  return $len unless $len =~ m{(.*)([KMG])$};
+  my ($n, $l) = ($1,$2);
+  return int($n*1024)           if $l eq 'K';
+  return int($1*1024*1024)      if $l eq 'M';
+  return int($1*1024*1024*1024) if $l eq 'G';
+  die "byte_size: $len not impl\n";
+# $file_count = scalar ftp_readdir($row->{identifier}, $row->{id}, $row->{baseurl_ftp}, $ftp_timer, $start_dir);
+# first call: $ftp undefined
+sub ftp_readdir
+  my ($identifier, $id, $url, $ftp_timer, $name, $ftp) = _at__;
+  my $ftp_age = (time() - $ftp_timer);
+  print "$identifier: last command issued $ftp_age"."s ago\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  $ftp_timer = time;
+  my $item;
+  print "$identifier: ftp dir: $name\n" if $verbose > 1;
+  my $urlraw = $url;
+  my $re = ''; $re = $1 if $url =~ s{#(.*?)$}{};
+  $url =~ s{/+$}{};	# we add our own trailing slashes...
+  my $toplevel = ($ftp) ? 0 : 1;
+  $ftp = ftp_connect($identifier, "$url/$name", "anonymous", $scanner_email) unless defined $ftp;
+  return unless defined $ftp;
+  my $text = ftp_cont($ftp, "$url/$name");
+  if(!ref($text) && \$text =~ m/^(\d\d\d)\s/) {	# some FTP status code? Not good.
+    # Bug: Net::FTP wrongly reports timeouts (421) as code 550:
+    # sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de: ftp dir: ftp://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/linux/opensuse/distribution/11.0/repo/debug/suse/i686
+    # Net::FTP=GLOB(0x112f480)>>> CWD /pub/linux/opensuse/distribution/11.0/repo/debug/suse/i686
+    # Net::FTP=GLOB(0x112f480)<<< 421 Timeout.
+    # sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de: ftp status code 550 (550 failed: ftp-cwd(/pub/linux/opensuse/distribution/11.0/repo/debug/suse/i686):  ), closing.
+    #
+    # Thus, if the connection is older than 60 seconds, we attempt a reconnect.
+    # Otherwise we quit.
+    if ($ftp_age > 60) {
+      warn "$identifier: ftp status code $1. Last command " . $ftp_age . "s ago; attempting reconnect\n";
+      print "$identifier: $text" if $verbose > 2;
+      ftp_close($ftp);
+      $ftp = ftp_connect($identifier, "$url/$name", "anonymous", $scanner_email);
+      return unless defined $ftp;
+      $text = ftp_cont($ftp, "$url/$name");
+    } else {
+      warn "$identifier: ftp status code $1, closing.\n";
+      print "$identifier: $text" if $verbose > 2;
+      ftp_close($ftp);
+      return;
+    }
+  }  
+  print "$identifier: ".join("\n", _at_$text)."\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  my _at_r;
+  for my $i (0..$#$text) {
+    if($text->[$i] =~ m/^([dl-])(.........).*\s(\d+)\s(\w\w\w\s+\d\d?\s+\d\d:?\d\d)\s+([\S]+)$/) {
+      my ($type, $mode, $size, $timestamp, $fname) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+      next if $fname eq "." or $fname eq "..";
+      #print "$name / $fname\n";
+      # are we looking at a top-level directory name?
+      # (can be recognized by name being an empty string)
+      if (!length($name) && scalar(_at_top_include_list)) {
+        my $included = 0;
+        foreach my $item(_at_top_include_list) {
+          if ($fname =~ $item) {
+            $included = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        if (!$included) {
+          print "$identifier: not in top_include_list: $fname\n";# if $verbose > 1;
+          next;
+        }
+      }
+      my $excluded = 0;
+      my $s = "$name/$fname";
+      if($type eq "d") {
+        $s = "$s/";
+      }
+      for $item(_at_exclude_list) {
+        if ($s =~ $item) {
+          print "$identifier: $s ignored (matches $item)\n" if $verbose > 0;
+          $excluded = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      next if ($excluded);
+      #convert to timestamp
+      my $time = str2time($timestamp);
+      my $t = length($name) ? "$name/$fname" : $fname;
+      if($type eq "d") {
+        if($mode !~ m{r.[xs]r.[xs]r.[xs]}) {
+          print "$identifier: bad mode $mode, skipping directory $fname\n" if $verbose;
+          next;
+        }
+        sleep($recursion_delay) if $recursion_delay;
+        push _at_r, ftp_readdir($identifier, $id, $urlraw, $ftp_timer, $t, $ftp);
+      }
+      if($type eq 'l') {
+        warn "symlink($t) not impl.";
+      } else {
+        if ($mode !~ m{r..r..r..}) {
+          print "$identifier: bad mode $mode, skipping file $fname\n" if $verbose;
+          next;
+        }
+        #save timestamp and file in database
+        if(largefile_check($identifier, $id, $t, $size)) {
+          if(save_file($t, $identifier, $id, $time, $re)) {
+            push _at_r, [ $t , $time ];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  print "$identifier: committing ftp dir $name\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  if($do_transaction) {
+    $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  ftp_close($ftp) if $toplevel;
+  return _at_r;
+sub save_file
+  my ($path, $identifier, $serverid, $mod_re, $ign_re) = _at__;
+  #
+  # optional patch the file names by adding or removing components.
+  # you never know what strange paths mirror admins choose.
+  #
+  return undef if $ign_re and $path =~ m{$ign_re};
+  if ($mod_re and $mod_re =~ m{_at_([^@]*)@([^@]*)}) {
+    print "$identifier: save_file: $path + #$mod_re -> " if $verbose > 2;
+    my ($m, $r) = ($1, $2);
+    $path =~ s{$m}{$r};
+    print "$path\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  }
+  $path =~ s{^/+}{};  # be sure we have no leading slashes.
+  $path =~ s{//+}{/}g;  # avoid double slashes.
+  # explicitely tell Perl that the filename is in UTF-8 encoding
+  $path = decode_utf8($path);
+  my $sql = "SELECT mirr_add_bypath(?, ?);";
+  if (!defined $sth_mirr_addbypath) {
+    printf "\nPreparing add statement\n\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    $sth_mirr_addbypath = $dbh->prepare( $sql ) or die "$identifier: $DBI::errstr";
+  }
+  printf "$sql  <-- $serverid, $path \n" if $sqlverbose;
+  $sth_mirr_addbypath->execute( $serverid, $path ) or die "$identifier: $DBI::errstr"; 
+  my _at_data = $sth_mirr_addbypath->fetchrow_array();
+  #if ($sth_mirr_addbypath->rows > 0) {
+    my $fileid = $data[0];
+    #print "fileid: $fileid\n";
+    #}
+  $sth_mirr_addbypath->finish;
+    if (!$keep_dead_files) {
+    $sql = "DELETE FROM temp1 WHERE id = $fileid";
+    print "$sql\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    $dbh->do($sql) or die "$sql: ".$DBI::errstr;
+  }
+  return $path;
+sub delete_file
+  my ($dbh, $serverid, $path) = _at__;
+  warn "FIXME: delete_file() not impl.\n";
+sub cont 
+  my $url = shift;
+  # Create a request
+  my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
+  # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
+  my $res = $ua->request($req);
+  # Check the outcome of the response
+  if ($res->is_success) {
+    return ($res->content);
+  }
+  else {
+    return ($res->status_line);
+  }
+# getfileid returns the id as inserted in table file.
+sub getfileid
+  my $path = shift;
+  my _at_data;
+  my $id;
+  # prepare statements once
+  my $sql_select_file = "SELECT id FROM file WHERE path = ? LIMIT 1;";
+  if (!defined $sth_select_file) {
+    printf "\nPreparing select_file statement: $sql_select_file\n\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    $sth_select_file = $dbh->prepare( $sql_select_file );
+  }
+  my $sql_insert_file = "INSERT INTO file (path) VALUES (?);";
+  if (!defined $sth_insert_file) {
+    printf "\nPreparing insert_file statement: $sql_insert_file\n\n" if $sqlverbose;
+    $sth_insert_file = $dbh->prepare( $sql_insert_file );
+  }
+  printf "select_file: $sql_select_file  <--- $path \n" if $sqlverbose;
+  $sth_select_file->execute( $path ) or die $sth_select_file->errstr;
+  _at_data = $sth_select_file->fetchrow_array();
+  if ($sth_select_file->rows > 0) {
+    $id = $data[0];
+    $sth_select_file->finish;
+    printf "select_id result: $id \n" if $sqlverbose;
+    return $id if defined $id;
+  }
+  $sth_insert_file->execute( $path ) or die $sth_insert_file->err;
+  # now we still need the id
+  # FIXME: should use something like last_insert_id rather
+  printf "select_file (get the id after insertion): $sql_insert_file  <--- $path \n" if $sqlverbose;
+  $sth_select_file->execute( $path ) or die $sth_select_file->errstr;
+  _at_data = $sth_select_file->fetchrow_array();
+  if ($sth_select_file->rows > 0) {
+    $id = $data[0];
+    $sth_select_file->finish;
+    printf "select_id result: $id \n" if $sqlverbose;
+    return $id;
+  }
+  die "insert of $path failed - could not get last id\n";
+# callback function
+sub rsync_cb
+  my ($priv, $name, $len, $mode, $mtime, _at_info) = @_;
+  return 0 if $name eq '.' or $name eq '..';
+  my $r = 0;
+  if($priv->{subdir}) {
+    # subdir is expected not to start or end in slashes.
+    $name = $priv->{subdir} . '/' . $name;
+  }
+  if($mode & 0x1000) {        # directories have 0 here.
+    if($mode & 004) { # readable for the world is good.
+      # params for largefile check: url=$ary_ref->{$priv->{serverid}}/$name, size=$len
+      if(largefile_check($priv->{identifier}, $priv->{serverid}, $name, $len) == 0) {
+        printf "$priv->{identifier}: warning: $name cannot be delivererd via HTTP! Skipping\n" if $verbose > 0;
+      }
+      else {
+        $name = save_file($name, $priv->{identifier}, $priv->{serverid}, $mtime, $priv->{re});
+        $priv->{counter}++;
+        if (($priv->{counter} % 50) == 0) {
+          print "$priv->{identifier}: commit after 50 files\n" if $verbose > 1;
+          if($do_transaction) {
+            $dbh->commit or die "$DBI::errstr";
+          }
+        }
+        $r = [$name, $len, $mode, $mtime, _at_info];
+        printf "%s: rsync ADD: %03o %10d %-25s %-50s\n", $priv->{identifier}, ($mode & 0777), $len, scalar(localtime $mtime), $name if $verbose > 2;
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      printf "%s: rsync skip: %03o %10d %-25s %-50s\n", $priv->{identifier}, ($mode & 0777), $len, scalar(localtime $mtime), $name if $verbose > 1;
+    }
+  }
+  elsif($verbose) {
+    printf "%s: rsync dir: %03o %10d %-25s %-50s\n", $priv->{identifier}, ($mode & 0777), $len, scalar(localtime $mtime), $name if $verbose > 1;
+  }
+  return $r;
+# example rsync address:
+#  rsync://user:passwd_at_ftp.sunet.se/pub/Linux/distributions/opensuse/#@^opensuse/@@
+# parameters:
+#  serverid: id field content from database row
+#  url: base url from database
+#  d: base directory (can be 'undef'): parameter to the '-d' switch
+sub rsync_readdir
+  my ($identifier, $serverid, $url, $d) = _at__;
+  return 0 unless $url;
+  $url =~ s{^rsync://}{}s; # trailing s: treat as single line, strip off protocol id
+  my $re = ''; $re = $1 if $url =~ s{#(.*?)$}{}; # after a hash can be a regexp, see example above
+  my $cred = $1 if $url =~ s{^(.*?)_at_}{}; # username/passwd if specified
+  die "$identifier: rsync_readdir: cannot parse url '$url'\n" unless $url =~ m{^([^:/]+)(:(\d*))?(.*)$};
+  my ($host, $dummy, $port, $path) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+  $port = 873 unless $port;
+  $path =~ s{^/+}{};
+  my $peer = { identifier => $identifier, addr => inet_aton($host), port => $port, serverid => $serverid };
+  $peer->{re} = $re if $re;
+  $peer->{pass} = $1 if $cred and $cred =~ s{:(.*)}{};
+  $peer->{user} = $cred if $cred;
+  $peer->{subdir} = $d if length $d;
+  $peer->{counter} = 0;
+  $path .= "/". $d if length $d;
+  rsync_get_filelist($identifier, $peer, $path, 0, \&rsync_cb, $peer);
+  return $peer->{counter};
+# rsync protocol
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Michael Schroeder (mls_at_suse.de)
+# This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD
+# for further information
+sub sread
+  local *SS = shift;
+  my $len = shift;
+  my $ret = '';
+  while($len > 0) {
+    alarm 600;
+    my $r = sysread(SS, $ret, $len, length($ret));
+    alarm 0;
+    die("read error") unless $r;
+    $len -= $r;
+    die("read too much") if $r < 0;
+  }
+  return $ret;
+sub swrite
+  local *SS = shift;
+  my ($var, $len) = _at__;
+  $len = length($var) unless defined $len;
+  return if $len == (syswrite(SS, $var, $len) || 0); 
+  warn "syswrite: $!\n";
+sub muxread
+  my $identifier = shift;
+  local *SS = shift;
+  my $len = shift;
+  #print "$identifier: muxread $len\n";
+  while(length($rsync_muxbuf) < $len) {
+    #print "$identifier: muxbuf len now ".length($muxbuf)."\n";
+    my $tag = '';
+    $tag = sread(*SS, 4);
+    $tag = unpack('V', $tag);
+    my $tlen = 0+$tag & 0xffffff;
+    $tag >>= 24;
+    if ($tag == 7) {
+      $rsync_muxbuf .= sread(*SS, $tlen);
+      next;
+    }
+    if ($tag == 8 || $tag == 9) {
+      my $msg = sread(*SS, $tlen);
+      warn("$identifier: tag=8 $msg\n") if $tag == 8;
+      print "$identifier: info: $msg\n";
+      next;
+    }
+    warn("$identifier: unknown tag: $tag\n");
+    return undef;
+  }
+  my $ret = substr($rsync_muxbuf, 0, $len);
+  $rsync_muxbuf = substr($rsync_muxbuf, $len);
+  return $ret;
+sub rsync_get_filelist
+  my ($identifier, $peer, $syncroot, $norecurse, $callback, $priv) = _at__;
+  my $syncaddr = $peer->{addr};
+  my $syncport = $peer->{port};
+  if(!defined($peer->{have_md4})) {
+    ## why not rely on %INC here?
+    $peer->{have_md4} = 0;
+    eval {
+      # this causes funny messages, if perl-Digest-MD4 is not installed:
+      # __DIE__: (/usr/bin/scanner 311 main::rsync_readdir => /usr/bin/scanner 961 main::rsync_get_filelist => /usr/bin/scanner 1046 (eval)) 
+      # not sure whether it is worth installing it.
+      # we never had it on mirrordb.opensuse.org, the main openSUSE scan host.
+      require Digest::MD4;
+      $peer->{have_md4} = 1;
+    };
+  }
+  $syncroot =~ s/^\/+//;
+  my $module = $syncroot;
+  $module =~ s/\/.*//;
+  my $tcpproto = getprotobyname('tcp');
+  socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcpproto) || die("$identifier: socket: $!\n");
+  setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, pack("l",1));
+  connect(S, sockaddr_in($syncport, $syncaddr)) || die("$identifier: connect: $!\n");
+  my $hello = "\_at_RSYNCD: 28\n";
+  swrite(*S, $hello);
+  my $buf = '';
+  alarm 600;
+  sysread(S, $buf, 4096);
+  alarm 0;
+  die("$identifier: protocol error [$buf]\n") if $buf !~ /^\_at_RSYNCD: ([\d.]+)\n/s;
+  $peer->{rsync_protocol} = $1;
+  $peer->{rsync_protocol} = 28 if $peer->{rsync_protocol} > 28;
+  swrite(*S, "$module\n");
+  while(1) {
+    alarm 600;
+    sysread(S, $buf, 4096);
+    alarm 0;
+    die("$identifier: protocol error [$buf]\n") if $buf !~ s/\n//s;
+    last if $buf eq "\_at_RSYNCD: OK";
+    die("$identifier: $buf\n") if $buf =~ /^\_at_ERROR/s;
+    if($buf =~ /^\_at_RSYNCD: AUTHREQD /) {
+      die("$identifier: '$module' needs authentification, but Digest::MD4 is not installed\n") unless $peer->{have_md4};
+      my $user = "nobody" if !defined($peer->{user}) || $peer->{user} eq '';
+      my $password = '' unless defined $peer->{password};
+      my $digest = "$user ".Digest::MD4::md4_base64("\0\0\0\0$password".substr($buf, 18))."\n";
+      swrite(*S, $digest);
+      next;
+    }
+  }
+  my _at_args = ('--server', '--sender', '-rl');
+  push _at_args, '--exclude=/*/*' if $norecurse;
+  if(_at_top_include_list && !defined($peer->{subdir})) {
+    foreach my $item (_at_top_include_list) {
+      push _at_args, "--include=/$item";
+    }
+    push _at_args, "--exclude=/*";
+  }
+  print "$identifier: rsync excludes: _at_exclude_list_rsync\n" if $verbose > 1;
+  foreach my $item (_at_exclude_list_rsync) {
+    push _at_args, "--exclude=$item";
+  }
+  print "$identifier: rsync args: _at_args\n" if $verbose > 2;
+  for my $arg (_at_args, '.', "$syncroot/.", '') {
+    swrite(*S, "$arg\n");
+  }
+  sread(*S, 4);	# checksum seed
+  swrite(*S, "\0\0\0\0");
+  my _at_filelist;
+  my $name = '';
+  my $mtime = 0;
+  my $mode = 0;
+  my $uid = 0;
+  my $gid = 0;
+  my $flags;
+  while(1) {
+    $flags = muxread($identifier, *S, 1);
+    $flags = ord($flags);
+    # printf "flags = %02x\n", $flags;
+    last if $flags == 0;
+    $flags |= ord(muxread($identifier, *S, 1)) << 8 if $peer->{rsync_protocol} >= 28 && ($flags & 0x04) != 0;
+    my $l1 = $flags & 0x20 ? ord(muxread($identifier, *S, 1)) : 0;
+    my $l2 = $flags & 0x40 ? unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4)) : ord(muxread($identifier, *S, 1));
+    $name = substr($name, 0, $l1).muxread($identifier, *S, $l2);
+    my $len = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4));
+    if($len == 0xffffffff) {
+      $len = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4));
+      my $len2 = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4));
+      $len += $len2 * 4294967296;
+    }
+    $mtime = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4)) unless $flags & 0x80;
+    $mode = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4)) unless $flags & 0x02;
+    my _at_info = ();
+    my $mmode = $mode & 07777;
+    if(($mode & 0170000) == 0100000) {
+      $mmode |= 0x1000;
+    } elsif (($mode & 0170000) == 0040000) {
+      $mmode |= 0x0000;
+    } elsif (($mode & 0170000) == 0120000) {
+      $mmode |= 0x2000;
+      my $ln = muxread($identifier, *S, unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4)));
+      _at_info = ($ln);
+    } else {
+      print "$name: unknown mode: $mode\n";
+      next;
+    }
+    if($callback) {
+      my $r = &$callback($priv, $name, $len, $mmode, $mtime, _at_info);
+      push _at_filelist, $r if $r;
+    }
+    else {
+      push _at_filelist, [$name, $len, $mmode, $mtime, @info];
+    }
+  }
+  my $io_error = unpack('V', muxread($identifier, *S, 4));
+  # rsync_send_fin
+  swrite(*S, pack('V', -1));      # switch to phase 2
+  swrite(*S, pack('V', -1));      # switch to phase 3
+  if($peer->{rsync_protocol} >= 24) {
+    swrite(*S, pack('V', -1));    # goodbye
+  }
+  close(S);
+  return _at_filelist;
+sub ftp_connect
+  my ($identifier, $url) = _at__;
+  my $port = 21;
+  my $user ||= 'anonymous';
+  my $pass ||= "$0_at_" . Net::Domain::hostfqdn;
+  if($url =~ s{^(\w+)://}{}) {	# no protocol prefix please
+    if(lc $1 ne 'ftp') {
+      warn "$identifier: ftp_connect: not an ftp url: '$1://$url'\n";
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  $url =~ s{/.*$}{};  # no path components please
+  $port = $1 if $url =~ s{:(\d+)$}{};	# port number?
+  my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($url, Timeout => 360, Port => $port, Debug => (($verbose||0)>2)?1:0, Passive => 1, Hash => 0);
+  unless (defined $ftp) {
+    warn "$identifier: ftp_connect($identifier, $url, $port) failed: $! $_at_\n";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  $ftp->login($user, $pass) or warn "$identifier: ftp-login failed: $! $_at_\n";
+  $ftp->type('I');		# binary mode please.
+  print STDERR "$identifier: connected to $url, ($user,$pass)\n" if $verbose > 1;
+  return $ftp;
+sub ftp_close
+  my ($ftp) = _at__;
+  $ftp->quit;
+sub ftp_cont
+  my ($ftp, $path) = _at__;
+  $path =~ s{^\w+://[^/:]+(:\d+)?/}{/};	# no proto host port prefix, please.
+  $ftp->cwd($path) or return "550 failed: ftp-cwd($path): $! $_at_";
+  $ftp->dir();
+  # In an array context, returns a list of lines returned from the server. 
+  # In a scalar context, returns a reference to a list.
+  #
+  ## should use File::Listing to parse this 
+  #
+  # [
+  #   'drwx-wx-wt    2 incoming 49           4096 Jul 03 23:00 incoming',
+  #   '-rw-r--r--    1 root     root     16146417 Jul 04 23:12 ls-Ral.txt'
+  # ], 
+# double check large files.
+# some mirrors can't deliver large files via http.
+# try a http range request for files larger than 2G/4G in http/ftp/rsync
+sub largefile_check
+  my ($identifier, $id, $path, $size, $recurse) = _at__;
+  if(not defined $recurse) {
+    $recurse = 0;
+  }
+  # don't follow more than three redirections
+  return if($recurse >= 3);
+  $http_size_hint = 128;
+  $http_slice_counter = 2*$http_size_hint;
+  if($size==0) {
+    if($path =~ m{.*\.iso$}) {
+      print "$identifier: Error: cd size is zero! Illegal file $path\n";
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  goto all_ok if($size <= $gig2);
+  my $url = "$ary_ref->{$id}->{baseurl}/$path";
+  my $header = new HTTP::Headers('Range' => "bytes=".($gig2-$http_size_hint)."-".($gig2+1));
+  my $req = new HTTP::Request('GET', "$url", $header);
+  #turn off implicit redirects (handle manually):
+  $ua->max_redirect(0);
+  my $result = $ua->request(
+    $req,
+    sub {
+      my ($chunk, $result) = _at__;
+      $http_slice_counter -= $http_size_hint;
+      die() if $http_slice_counter <= 0;
+      return $chunk;
+    },
+    $http_size_hint
+  );
+  my $code = $result->code();
+  goto all_ok if($code == 206 or $code == 200);
+  # check some redirect types:
+  # 301 - permanent redirect -> client is adviesd to remember redirected address
+  # 302 - temporary redirect -> client shall continue using this address
+  # 303 - redirect from POST command to another URI via GET command
+  # 307 - same as 302 except different caching behaviour
+  if($code == 301 or $code == 302 or $code == 303 or $code == 307) {
+    if($result->header('location') =~ m{^ftp:.*}) {
+      print "$identifier: Moved to ftp location, assuming success if followed";
+      goto all_ok;
+    }
+    if($result->header('location') =~ m{^http:.*}) {
+      print "$identifier: [RECURSE] Moved to other http location, recursing scan...";
+      return largefile_check($id, $result->header('location'), $size, $recurse+1);
+    }
+  }
+  if($result->code() == 416) {
+    print "$identifier: Error: range error: filesize broken for file $url\n" if $verbose >= 1;
+  }
+  else {
+    print "$identifier: Error ".$result->code()." occured\n" if $verbose >= 1;
+  }
+  error:
+  return 0;
+  all_ok:
+  return 1;
+# vim: ai ts=2 sw=2 smarttab expandtab

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